How to Communicate at Work When Everyone is Remote (Hint: Emojis & Gifs)

remote work communication

Effective communication is crucial for the success of any team, and this is particularly true when everyone is working remotely. Remote work can create barriers that make it difficult for team members to stay connected, collaborate, and communicate effectively. However, with the right strategies and tools, it is possible to overcome these barriers and maintain strong communication in a remote work environment.

Surprising stats about emoji usage

According to a survey by Adobe, 78% of workers in the United States use emojis in their work communications. In addition, 44% of the survey respondents felt that using emojis in their work emails improved the likability of the message's sender, and 51% believed that emojis help to clarify the meaning of a message.

Another study by the business messaging platform, Slack, found that the use of emojis in its platform increased engagement by 25%, reduced message fatigue by 23%, and improved sentiment by 28%. These numbers suggest that the use of emojis in workplace communication can have a positive impact on team collaboration and productivity.

Establish clear expectations and guidelines

One of the most important things to do when communicating remotely is to establish clear expectations and guidelines. This means setting up regular meetings, both formal and informal, and creating channels for ongoing communication.

For example, you can use instant messaging or project management tools to keep in touch with team members throughout the day, and hold weekly team meetings to discuss progress and share updates. And if you are feeling a bit too formal, you can always use memes to lighten the mood and make the conversation more relaxed.

communicating at work with memes

Be mindful of tone and medium

Another important aspect of remote communication is being mindful of the tone and medium you use. When communicating through text-based channels, such as email or instant messaging, it can be easy for your message to be misinterpreted or for misunderstandings to arise.

To avoid this, be sure to use a clear and concise tone, and consider including emojis (🙌😉) or other forms of visual cues to convey your meaning. And if you're feeling extra playful, you can always use gifs to express yourself better.


Additionally, video conferencing can be a great way to add a more personal touch to your communication and build stronger relationships with your team members. Plus, it's always fun to see your colleagues in their home office setups, whether it be a well-organized space or a room filled with laundry.

Connect with social activities

It is also important to create opportunities for team members to connect on a personal level. This can be done through virtual team-building activities, such as online game nights or virtual happy hours. And if you're feeling adventurous, you can even organize a virtual costume contest for your team! Creating a sense of community and connection can help to build trust and foster a sense of belonging among team members, which is essential for effective communication.

Be flexible and adaptable

Finally, it is important to be flexible and adaptable when communicating remotely. Remote work can be challenging and requires a different approach to communication than in-person work. Be open to trying new tools and methods of communication, and be willing to adjust your approach as needed. And remember, if all else fails, you can always use the trusty "reply all" button to make sure everyone is on the same page.

Effective communication is essential for the success of any team, and is especially important when working remotely. By setting clear expectations, being mindful of tone and medium, creating opportunities for personal connection, and being adaptable, it is possible to overcome the barriers of remote work and maintain strong communication with your team members. And most importantly, don't forget to have fun and bring some humor in the workplace!

Mr. Goblin


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