Surviving (and Thriving) in a Meeting-Heavy Culture: A How-To Guide

meeting heavy culture

Meetings. They're the bane of every office worker's existence, much like the daily commute in rush hour traffic. But if you work in a meeting-heavy culture, they're an inescapable part of your daily routine.

So how do you survive (and even thrive) in such an environment? Here's a guide to help you navigate the meeting maze:

Be Prepared

Before the meeting, review the agenda and any materials that have been sent out. Come up with a list of questions or points you want to bring up. This will help you stay engaged during the meeting and contribute to the discussion. Just don't forget to bring your "I'm still working" face.

Be On Time

Nothing is more disruptive than someone walking into a meeting late. Not only does it disrupt the flow of the meeting, but it also shows a lack of respect for other people's time. So make sure to arrive on time, or even a few minutes early. Or you can always blame it on "the elevator being too slow"

Be an Active Listener

Meetings are a great opportunity to learn from your colleagues and gain new perspectives. Listen actively and try to understand where others are coming from, even if you don't agree with them. But don't be afraid to nod off a little, it's a great way to catch up on your sleep.

Be Efficient

Meetings can easily get bogged down by irrelevant discussion or unnecessary attendees. To keep the meeting on track, be mindful of the time and focus on the most important topics. If you're leading the meeting, make sure to keep the discussion on point and manage the participation of others. And if all else fails, just blame the poor outcome on "too much bureaucracy".

Be Creative

Meetings can be a great opportunity to think creatively and come up with innovative solutions. Don't be afraid to share your ideas and build on the ideas of others. Just make sure you're not sharing your "out of the box" ideas that come to mind during a 3-hour long meeting.

Be Flexible

Meetings can be unpredictable, so it's important to be able to adapt to changing circumstances. Be open-minded and be willing to change course if necessary. And if things go south, just blame it on "the algorithm".

Follow Up

Finally, make sure to follow up on any action items or decisions made during the meeting. This will help ensure that progress is being made and that everyone is on the same page. Or you can always blame it on "lack of communication".

Prioritize Your Mental Health

Work is a marathon, not a sprint. Even with the best-run meetings, you can falter if you start to burn out. Take the time to prioritize your well-being, especially if you're working from home. (Read our top-10 tips for a positive work from home experience.)

By following these tips, you'll be well on your way to surviving (and even thriving) in a meeting-heavy culture. Just remember to stay organized, stay engaged, and stay positive. Happy meeting!

Mr. Goblin


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