The Meeting Master: How to Run Productive Meetings (Part 2 of 2)

productive meeting

Welcome to Part 2 of our 2-part series on how to make your meetings more productive and less of a snooze-fest. In part 1, we covered how to set the agenda, encourage active participation, and keep everyone on track. But that's just the tip of the iceberg!

In this second part, we're going to take it to the next level and show you how to make your meetings truly shine. From visual aids to keep the meeting focused, to detailed notes and follow-up, we've got you covered. So grab your favorite pen and notebook, and let's get started!

Use visual aids

Using visual aids can be an effective way to help convey information and keep the meeting focused. They can help to make complex information more accessible and easier to understand, and can also help to keep attendees engaged. Here are specific ideas to help you use visual aids effectively:

  • Prepare visual aids in advance and share them with attendees before the meeting if possible
  • Use a variety of visual aids, such as slide decks, presentations, and whiteboards, to help convey different types of information.
  • Use a projector or a screen to display the visual aids during the meeting, and make sure that they are visible to all attendees.
  • Use virtual meeting tools such as screen sharing if the meeting is held remotely (make sure to share your sound if there's any video or audio). 
  • Have a backup plan in case of technical difficulties with the visual aids, such as printing out hard copies or sharing a PDF of the presentations.

Take & distribute notes

Taking detailed notes during a meeting can be an effective way to keep track of what was discussed, what decisions were made, and what actions need to be taken. Distributing these notes to all attendees after the meeting can help ensure that everyone is on the same page and that the meeting's outcomes are implemented. Here are specific tips to help you take detailed notes and distribute them effectively:

  • Assign a designated note-taker for the meeting or use meeting minutes software to take detailed notes of the discussion, decisions, and actions.
  • Include the date, time, location, attendees, and agenda of the meeting in the notes.
  • Summarize the main points discussed and decisions made, and list any action items or follow-up tasks that were identified.
  • Use a template to format the meeting notes for consistency and clarity.
  • Take note of any action items, deadlines, and who is responsible for completing them.
  • Distribute the notes to all attendees as soon as possible after the meeting, via email or a shared platform.
  • Follow-up with attendees to ensure that the action items and decisions made during the meeting are being implemented.
  • Use the meeting notes as a reference for future meetings.
  • Encourage attendees to review the meeting notes and to provide feedback or corrections if necessary.

Make all voices heard & respected

Encouraging open and honest communication can help to create a productive and inclusive environment during a meeting. By making sure that all voices are heard and respected, you can ensure that everyone has an equal opportunity to share their ideas and perspectives. Here are ideas to help you encourage open and honest communication:

  • Encourage active participation from all attendees, and discourage side conversations or distractions.
  • Create a safe space for attendees to share their thoughts and ideas without fear of judgment.
  • Encourage attendees to ask questions and to provide additional information throughout the meeting.
  • Use a facilitator to keep the conversation organized and to make sure that everyone's voices are heard.
  • Encourage different perspectives and ideas, and avoid shutting down any ideas.
  • Show respect and listen actively to all attendees, and avoid interrupting or talking over others.
  • Use virtual meeting tools to create a non-verbal way for attendees to communicate such as a raise hand or a poll feature.
  • Encourage attendees to provide feedback after the meeting to improve the communication for future meetings.

Follow up after the meeting

Following up with attendees after the meeting is an essential step in ensuring that any action items or decisions made during the meeting are being implemented. It helps to hold everyone accountable and to make sure that the meeting's outcomes are being acted upon. Here are ideas to help you follow up effectively:

  • Assign a designated person to follow-up on the action items and decisions made during the meeting.
  • Send out a summary of the meeting notes, including the action items, deadlines, and who is responsible for completing them.
  • Use a shared platform or project management software to track the progress of the action items and decisions (Google Docs works just fine!).
  • Schedule a follow-up meeting or check-in session to review the progress of the action items and decisions.
  • Send reminders to attendees regarding the action items and decisions before the deadline
  • Encourage open communication and allow attendees to raise any issues or challenges they may be facing in implementing the action items and decisions.
  • Provide any additional resources or support needed to help attendees implement the action items and decisions.
  • Use the follow-up to measure the success of the meeting based on whether it has achieved the goals or not. It can be a learning opportunity to improve the communication, participation and outcomes of future meetings.

By following the tips and strategies outlined in this 2-part series, you'll be well on your way to making your meetings more productive, efficient, and engaging. With these tools in your arsenal, you'll be able to turn boring time-sink meetings into productive powerhouses. Thanks for reading!

Mr. Goblin


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