How Remote Work Made Us 6% More Productive (And Probably More!)

Productivity working from home

The pandemic has changed many aspects of our lives, but one of the most significant shifts has been the way we work. More and more people have switched to working remotely, either full-time or part-time, as a result of social distancing measures and lockdowns.

There are certainly pros & cons associated with working from home, but how has this affected our productivity? Are we more efficient and focused when we work from home, or do we get distracted by household chores, Netflix, and pets?

How working from home boosts productivity

You might be surprised to learn that remote work actually boosts worker productivity by 6% on average. That’s right, working from home can make you more productive than working in an office. How is that possible? Well, there are several reasons why remote work can enhance your performance:

  • You save time and money on commuting. No more traffic jams, crowded buses, or expensive parking fees. You can use that extra time to sleep in, exercise, or get a head start on your tasks.

  • You have more control over your environment. You can choose where you work best: at your desk, on your couch, or even in your bed. You can also adjust the temperature, lighting, and noise level to suit your preferences.

  • You have more flexibility over your schedule. You can work when you are most productive: early in the morning, late at night, or somewhere in between. You can also take breaks when you need them without feeling guilty or judged by your coworkers.

  • You have fewer interruptions and distractions. No more meetings that could have been emails, chatty colleagues who want to gossip about last night’s episode of The Bachelor (or The Bachelorette), or annoying office politics.

Of course, remote work is not without its challenges. Some people may struggle with isolation, communication issues (especially if they don’t use video calls), or maintaining a healthy work-life balance (especially if they don’t set boundaries). But these challenges can be overcome with some planning and support.

More data to support working from home

And if you think 6% is impressive (which it is), you should know that some studies have found even higher numbers for remote work productivity. For example:

Research has shown that remote work can have numerous benefits for both workers and employers. These benefits include increased productivity, reduced costs, improved morale, and a more diverse and inclusive workforce.

If you are an employer, consider offering flexible work arrangements to your employees (if you haven’t already). If you are an employee, ask your boss if you can work from home at least part of the time (if you haven’t already). And if you are already working remotely, congratulations! You are ahead of the curve!

Just remember to keep some humor in your day-to-day routine: laugh at yourself when things go wrong, share funny memes with your teammates, and enjoy the perks of working from home (like wearing pajamas all day).

Mr. Goblin


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