Slack Tips & Tricks for Remote Workers (Keyboard Shortcuts and More!)

Remote work and Slack communication

If you're reading this, it's likely that you're tired of endless email threads, countless conference calls, and being forced to actually talk to your coworkers in person or over Zoom.

The modern workplace has changed dramatically in recent years. The rise of remote work has led to an increased reliance on digital communication tools like Slack, making it easier for employees to communicate with each other and collaborate on projects from anywhere in the world.

However, with this increased convenience comes the challenge of effectively communicating in a digital space, especially when it comes to conveying tone, intention, and context. But with the right techniques and strategies, you can master the art of communicating through Slack and become a true Slack Master.

Here are some tips for effective Slack communication:

  1. Customizing notifications: You can customize your notification settings in Slack by going to your preferences and choosing the channels, keywords, and types of notifications that are most important to you. Only set up keywords that are most relevant to your priorities to avoid being overwhelmed with notifications.

  2. Using keyboard shortcuts: Keyboard shortcuts can help you save time and be more productive. For example, use "Cmd + K" on Mac or "Ctrl + K" on Windows to quickly switch between channels. Slack has a comprehensive list of keyboard shortcuts that can be found in the "Keyboard Shortcuts" section under the "Preferences" tab or check out the cheat sheet here.

  3. Making use of integrations: Integrations can can help you streamline your workflow and be more efficient. Slack has a large number of integrations available, including popular tools like Google Drive, Asana, Trello, and more. To access the integrations, simply go to the "Apps" section in Slack. 

  4. Utilizing Slack's search function: Slack's search function is a powerful tool that can help you quickly find the information you need. It can be accessed by clicking the search icon in the top-left corner of the app. You can use search to find messages, files, and conversations containing specific keywords or phrases.

  5. Using Slack's mobile app: Slack's mobile app allows you to stay connected and receive notifications even when you're on the go. It can be downloaded from the App Store (iOS) or Google Play (Android). Some people (like me) have deleted the Slack app from their phone to help with work-life balance 😉.

  6. Creating a shared vocabulary: Encourage team members to use common terminology and shorthand in their messages by providing a glossary of terms that everyone can reference. Try to be human as much as possible, but a corporate glossary can go a long way.

  7. Encouraging open communication: Encourage open and transparent communication by setting up public channels and encouraging team members to share their thoughts and ideas.

  8. Using reminders: Use Slack's reminder feature to set reminders for yourself or others to follow up on important tasks. Slack's reminder feature can be accessed by typing "/remind" followed by the reminder message and date/time. For example, "/remind Follow up on project X tomorrow at 10am."

  9. Making use of apps and bots: Slack has a wide range of apps and bots that can be used to automate tasks, such as scheduling appointments, tracking expenses, and more. To access the apps and bots, go to the "Apps" section in Slack.

  10. Encouraging regular check-ins: Encourage team members to regularly check in with each other by setting up recurring check-in meetings or creating a dedicated channel for updates.

By following these tips, you can become a true Slack Master and effectively communicate with your coworkers without ever talking to them in person. Whether you're working remotely or in the office, Slack can be an incredibly powerful tool for staying connected and getting work done.

Bonus: The most helpful Slack keyboard shortcuts!

Here are some of the most helpful keyboard shortcuts for Slack:

  1. Cmd/Ctrl + K: Open the Quick Switcher to quickly switch between channels and direct messages.

  2. Cmd/Ctrl + T: Open the search bar to search for messages, files, and conversations.

  3. Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + M: Open the direct message menu to start a new direct message or switch to an existing one.

  4. Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + L: Jump to the last channel or direct message that you were in.

  5. Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + Up/Down Arrow: Navigate between the messages in a channel or direct message.

  6. Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + C: Compose a new message in the current channel or direct message.

  7. Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + U: Mark all messages in the current channel or direct message as read.

  8. Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + /: Open the Slack command menu to access a list of all the Slack commands.

  9. Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + N: Open the notifications menu to see all of your unread messages and mentions.

  10. Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + Esc: Close the current channel or direct message.

Note: The keyboard shortcuts mentioned above are for macOS. On Windows, the Cmd key should be replaced with the Ctrl key. For a complete list of keyboard shortcuts, you can visit the "Keyboard Shortcuts" section under the "Preferences" tab in Slack.

Mr. Goblin


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